[Imc-production] Re: [UCIMC-Tech] production room cleanup > Re: RFU Public Files

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 21 22:11:56 CDT 2008

Wow, did everyone get up on the wrong side of a bed of nails or what?

The RFU public files and printer issues have nothing to do with locking 
"all of their expensive equipment away." They need to be secure 
somewhere outside the studio, but also easily accessible. That all I was 
pointing out. In both cases, they can't be exposed to people either 
disrespecting the need to keep them functional or to random fiddling 
with the files or the printer. Both are required to keep our FCC license 

I'm not sure that moving the printer out of the production room is 
feasible unless it can be secured somewhere else, yet still remain 
easily accessible. The location for it is limited by the length of the 
printer cord or by possible upgrades to the EAS system that could 
provide an option other than dot-matrix. It's just a little printer that 
could sit on a shelf. I'll even build the shelf if you want me to, as 
this would be a much more elegant solution.

I think the point about groups locking things up is well-taken, Too much 
stuff has just walked off, but AFAIK, no one at RFU had much of any 
blame for that. On the other hand, the issue for RFU is really more 
about controlled access to the airwaves required to maintain things to 
FCC standards. I'm not sure RFU even has much in the way of expensive 
gear, but even if it did the initial objective of the Production room 
was to provide accountability as much as it was to provide security.

Tommy's right in that it should be an issue for coordination through 
Steering, unless we really think we need a whole separate group for the 
Production room (oh joy, more meetings?) But the whole aim of the 
Production room is to make shared resources available to all IMC 
members. Despite its many deficiencies, at least all RFU members are IMC 
members. If it's going to be an insiders' club that you have to know the 
secret handshake to get admittance, then I think y'all need to 
re-evaluate the direction of things. More to the point, no one has ever 
said anything about it being "strictly" a RFU space. All that is being 
asked is reasonable accommodation for a few specific needs. I would also 
hope that getting audio production going again would inspire more folks 
from RFU getting interested in helping, but hey if they're not welcome...

Bob is right that working groups do need to start getting people to 
Steering. It will probably help if someone would take responsibility for 
sending a meeting notice out. I've quit doing this since it seemed a bit 
cheeky to remind others to attend a meeting I probably won't be at. On 
the other hand, no one seems to have done this since I quit doing it. If 
no one else is able to do so, just ask and I will. But it is a bit harsh 
to be blaming folks for not showing up when no meeting notice is sent.

It's always good to make progress by having a good Steering meeting. But 
Steering can't really accomplish much if it chooses to ignore the 
desires of those who don't happen to be present. One of the strengths 
that Steering has always had is that it has taken into account what are 
most likely the views of those who aren't there in crafting its 
decisions. Of course, it can't presume to think for them, but it really 
isn't advisable to start deciding things should go in a certain 
direction if you already know it's going to create problems with those 
who don't happen to be present on any particular evening.
Mike Lehman

dan blah wrote:
> Of course the production room will be accessible by all IMC groups and
> members but I don't think it's fair to allow groups like RFU and Shows
> to lock all of their expensive equipment away unless you are trained
> and known without giving the same to the Production group which
> currently manages the nicest workstations in the building.  The
> solutions seem simple enough to me knowing that the stated need for
> having RFU equipment in the production room is mostly set on old no
> longer applicable precedent that has been fought over to much in the
> past.

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