[UCIMC-Tech] Re: new doorbell coming for south stairs entrance

Barry Isralewitz barryi at ks.uiuc.edu
Thu Jun 5 15:41:53 CDT 2008


On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 04:05:56PM -0500, Barry Isralewitz wrote:
> Hello,
>   It looks like the wireless doorbell button  at the IMC's  south- 
> basement stairwell entrance, has stopped working.
>   I  ordered a replacement (weatherproof, wireless, battery- 
> powered), it should arrive this week.  This new button is designed to  
> light up at night

  I replaced the south-basement stairwell wireless doorbell button.  It is
easier to see both day and at night, and works better now.  The new button is not
lighted, only higher-contrast.  I have the old button stored in The Bike
Project; if I find spare time, will bodge together an actual
lighted doorbell for us -- but the newly installed button is a big visibility
improvement already.

  Future maintenance: unlock front of button-box by inserting flat-head
screwdriver  in bottom slot (back part remains stuck to glass with double-sided
tape).  . Needs 2x CR-2032 batteries every 1 -- 3 years, batteries are getting
weak when you can't trigger chime as soon as chime from previous triggering
finishes playing..

The wireless doorbell button is a small case containing button, batteries, and radio transmitter.
I installed a wireless doorbell button  that was already around the IMC: Mark
Enslin knew where one was (recently discovered by Danielle, I think he told
me).  The new button is identical make to the old, but has a higher-contrast
body (all-white with black button)  and a button in much better condition. It
is easier to see at night, and provides clear tactile 'click' feedback on
press.  I replaced the existing batteries in the new doorbell button
(2xCR2032), it now works better.  Before battery change, pressing button a few
seconds after a previous press (e.g.  right after the brief "Westiminster"
chime finished) would not trigger the chime.  Now it does.  I attached it to
same place on (well-cleaned) basement door glass with similar double-sided foam
tape. This will likely be less confusing to users and I think result in less
extreme-button-mashing (and less advice to do so; I removed "press hard" sign
by button) and less-confused visitors..
  There is a secondary small button on the face of the button case.  Hard to
see in the new case, since it is a tiny round button white button in a white
body.  The secondary button changes the "tune" that the chime plays.  The
hallway chime can be cycled  among: "dong", "ding-dong", and "Westminister"
(Different "tunes" on the other chime box, hanging in  Books-2-Prisoners, which
this doorbell button also triggers. )  



Barry Isralewitz   Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group, UIUC  
Beckman 3043   Office Phone: (217) 244-1612  Home Phone: (217) 337-6364
email: barryi at ks.uiuc.edu      http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/~barryi

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