[UCIMC-Tech] Search Warpped?

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 8 09:36:34 CST 2011

On several occasions in recent weeks, I've tried to use the site search 
feature to find articles that I know are on the site, including search 
terms that should absolutely bring up the articles searched for. 
Manually looking through items shows that the search terms are indeed in 
the articles, they're just not being found.

One question I have about search is whether it searches just article 
titles or does it search text in them, too? That may be part of the 
problem, but not all, since sometimes the search terms that didn't work 
are actually found in article titles when they are finally located.

I don't know much about search configuration and processing, but this 
leads me to believe that something is broken in search. I recall that 
some adjustments were made in search, perhaps around the time when some 
other site tweaks required some final optimization to get the site 
working correctly. Could someone look into the search settings or 
whatever might be causing this problem.?
Mike Lehman

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