[UCIMC-Tech] [Imc-web] images at ucimc.org

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Tue Oct 25 18:46:25 CDT 2011

Guess it's a good thing that I continue to delete 50 to 200 comment spam 
posts a day (really overnight) that I frequently encounter. Didn't say 
anything, because what gets through has been rather steady in my 
experience. But those numbers just push us that much closer to whatever 
the daily limit is.

BTW, anyone who encounters obvious spam, delete it, don't hide it. I 
noticed people have hidden them from time to time. I've found that 
leaving them in hidden form tends to attract repeated hits on the same 
original stories -- maybe. I don't know if nefarious spammer methods 
simply repost to the same group of stories or what, but it's just cruff. 
X 'em out.

On 10/25/2011 5:43 PM, Chris Ritzo wrote:
> SNIP anonymous
> posts and comments from users who don't want to log in is also
> disabled right now bcs we were getting a bunch of spam comments. we're
> hitting a daily limit on our free spam block service and probably need
> to think about buying the monthly subscription or trying something
> else. I haven't said anything about it cause, well nobody's
> complained. what we really need is to overhaul the site completely,
> but I'll look at the issue of image uploads this evening.
> Chris

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