[UCIMC-Tech] server downtime

Daniel Lewart lewart3 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 10:43:11 EDT 2015

Josh, et al,

> Unfortunately, there will be some downtime of services tomorrow
> starting at 11am CDT as some of our IP addresses and servers are
> migrated to a new datacenter. Most websites (like ucimc.org) will stay
> up, but services such as lists and a handful of websites (like
> chambana.net) will be interrupted. I'm taking steps to make sure no
> email is actually lost. I will give an updated estimate of downtime
> tomorrow morning, but it's likely to be at least a couple hours.
> Apologies for the inconvenience.

It's Friday and http://chambana.net/ is still broken.
As a bonus, I can't connect via SSH anymore.

Could y'all institute a checklist for migrations like this?

And, whatever happened to my May 2014 request for sensible admin?


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