Sheri Herndon sheri at speakeasy.org
Sun Oct 19 19:07:38 CDT 2003


a to do list/task list!  yeah!  
>1.  syndication - ben is working on this

i'm wondering if you are talking to kellan about this.  syndication wizard that he is.  kellan at protest.net.

i also sent a response back to someone working on this in terms of the software that is going to be running the site.  i'm wondering if any of you are aware of the efforts of active2 and some of the design elements that were being considered.  i think the imc us website would be a great place to consider some of these because it really places more control in the hands of the user and elevates better content and is about accessing content more easily.  i'm not a techie per se at all, but i have been talking to techies about this for a few years.  
>2. domain
>	-the domain indymedia.us has been registered by William Aal.  Does 
>anyone know this person and whether he is involved with IMC-US?  Max 
>will contact him if no one is already in contact with him.

hmmmm.  bill aal has this?  well he's in seattle and is involved with riseup and red cursor collective.  i can get in touch with him.  he's not really involved in the local imc, but is a great local activist on numerous fronts.
>there's some design work that needs to get done before the site can go 
>1. creating appropriate graphics for the site, specifically a final 
>version of the banner.
>1. setting up an editorial collective, specifically creating an email 
>list and announcing this list to IMCs involved in IMC-US.  the 
>editorial collective should hash out an editorial policy for the IMC-US 
>and be responsible for maintaining up to date, accurate content for 
>IMC-US.  also figuring out something regarding open publishing newswire 
>- whether we're going to have one or not, where it will can be accessed 
>if we do decide to have one etc.

just a clarifying question:

do you think that all the imcs in the u.s. all know that the site is now official and that they can join in at this next more 'real' stage of the game?  i am thinking the answer is no.  knowing how communication flows (and doesn't flow) in this network.  so perhaps a general invitation to this project would be good and then the next quick step would be to invite people to join the various working groups, including the editorial group.  

maybe you feel this invitation has already been extended to all imcs.  but hashing out an editorial policy is key and i think making sure all locals know that things are happening would be good.  these efforts could of course be happening simultaneously.  

seattle imc

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