[IMC-US-Tech] [IMC-US] progress report

john duda john at manifestor.org
Wed Aug 18 23:37:33 CDT 2004

ok, us.indymedia.org now has an openpublishing newswire.

I've fixed up the archives, the article pages, etc.

Still to do(tech stuff and otherwise) before launching (we have only ten days left!):

- finalize design/css.  does it work on ie?  
- write up basic editorial texts and put them into mir
- set up a backup system for the site 
- set up the static mirrors (indymedia.us will point to these)

Other stuff that need to get done at some point:

- get spanish language stuff into better shape.
- get templates under cvs
- get templates editable through mir



this is where my public key can be found:
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 03817826
Key fingerprint = 6C11 8D70 2ADE EFA9 498D  72CB 77EA 391A 0381 7826

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