[Imc-web] how we might stop spam:

Sascha Meinrath sascha at ucimc.org
Fri May 21 14:41:53 CDT 2004

hi all,

this came over the global process list, thought that it would be good to
put out to our web group:

Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 14:33:55 +0800 (WST)
From: Shayne O'Neill <shayne at guild.murdoch.edu.au>
To: ted <ted at urbanweb.net>
Cc: imc-process at lists.indymedia.org
Subject: Re: [IMC-Process] VanIMC (was: hello)

Incidently folks, Check out the 'oceangirl' system ( named after a
kickass childrens superhero ) that perth indy uses. Its a bit like phatcow
that sf uses , but it does also provide a url. ITs kinda handy in that
when people post on your site, you can sit in irc and watch the posts come
in. Its verrrry handy for nasi hunting because with a couple of people on
the channel one can whack nasi posts as quick as the buggers can put em

oceangirl (or miss og, as the script is sometimes affectionately known as
by perth crew) is a python script that listens to XML-RPC requests. That
means that one instance can handle multiple imcs. So for instance in
oceania, she could monitor all the indys incoming posts , opening
interesting possibilities for mutual-aid moderation (not that anyone does
this, but the possibility is there.. )

Sascha Meinrath
Project Manager & President      *      Project Manager
Acorn Worker Collective         ***     Eggplant Active Media
www.acornactivemedia.com         *      www.eggplantmedia.com

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