[Imc-web] Re: Jack Ryan: Time for Him to Go? Re: [Imc] steering meeting Nov. 18

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 13 13:57:21 CST 2004

Zach and Wendy,
Yeah, I am quite aware if these issues. There are two options:

1. Assuming he is a compter simpleton and depending on how he connects to the internet, banning the IP is an option. I realize this may not work, so here is what I actually had in mind...

2. Simply delete his crap. Period. Mostly, he knows he is going to hidden and is well aware of that. Then he makes a big deal about all his posts being in Hidden files being some sort of representation of our "crimes" against him. By deleting his crap, this takes away from his tactic of martyrdom, by intentionally posting stuff that he knows will be hidden, to get any traction.

This could take two forms, both of which I am comfortable with. We could delete anything authored by Jack Ryan. Or we could delete any post of his (which is around 90% of them) that is in violation of the website use policy.

I really don't want to revisit all the issues that we previously have been over with him and other abusers. My solution is predicated on his specific abuses and what I think might most effective in undermining him.

If this looks to be anything other than a relatively short discussion and quick consensus, I'll let the matter drop. However, I really see little point in spending the next four years hiding his "WE WON. YOU LOST" posts, when there is the possibility that his treasued martyr status would disappear down the memory hole without the support that his reserved seat in Hidden Files gives it.
Mike Lehman

Zachary C. Miller wrote:
>>So I'm putting this question on the table: Is it time for Jack to go
>>given his demonstrated refusal to abide by our website use policies?
> I know you said that you don't want to spend a lot of time here
> discussing how Jack would be banned but I think understanding the
> process is important to informing the discussion of whether we should
> do it or not.
> I want to point out that while it is a lot of work to keep hiding his
> posts, it will also be a lot of (possibly fruitless) work to ban him. 
> The only way we'll be able to ban him is by IP address. This will only
> work if Jack happens to be always using the same computer. If he is
> using AOL, university dialup, a public lab, etc then we will not be
> able to ban his IP address. In order to figure out his IP address
> we'll have to turn on IP address logging for ALL posts and then cross
> reference his posts to the logs and try to deduce what his posting
> patterns are. We need to make sure that if we ban a certain IP address
> that other legitimate users aren't also posting from that address. 
> This will be a slight incursion into the privacy of our legitimate
> posters. It will be some effort for our techies. And it may not work.
> If steering thinks that these tradeoffs are worth exploring in order
> to address the strain that Jack is putting on our moderators then I am
> willing to help implement it. I'm not recommending for or against
> banning Jack. I just want Steering to understand what they will be
> asking, what they will be getting, and the liklihood of success. It is
> definitely a can of worms.

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