[Newspoetry] lost email

William Gillespie gillespi at uiuc.edu
Thu Apr 22 23:15:16 CDT 1999

Turns out that I lost a week's wortha email: Tuesday the 6th through
Tuesday the 13th. I lost it all by downloading it onto Dave's computer
in Vermont unintentionally, and then not reading all of it. I remember
newspoetry by Danielle, Sam Patterson, that NASA application (turns out
I was wrong about that actually - that was the National Aeronautics and
Space ADMIRERS, not Administration), and Katie G.'s response - she
filled out the application and I never got to read it. So much email I
noted and was eager to read. I'm bummed. Golden age of correspondence
and all.

So I went down to the bureau of missing email and filled out some forms.
They assured me that, indeed, all my email messages were stored forever
somewhere, but there was no guarantee that I could obtain access to

So if any of you want to resend anything you sent to me I'd sure be
grateful. Enough said. Sorry for the digression.


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