[Newspoetry] e-Bay Censors Used Riot Gear

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 9 07:24:08 CST 1999

In a move seen by many as the last gasp of the corrupt "free enterprise"
system, e-Bay announced that it was pulling memorabilia that brutalized,
but creative protesters had placed for auction.  Similar to the WTO's
logic that the only things important in life are those that can be
bought and sold, e-bay cited their belief that the items in question
(various spent tear gas canisters, rubber and wooden bullets, and
broken-over-protestor-head billy club pieces) actually belong to the
police.  While it is relatively certain that these items might be
criminal evidence (as in police brutality), it is also known that these
items were purchased with taxes that the public has paid, and on whom
they were used.

There is also the issue of numerous personal items that were stolen from
protesters after their arrest, such as glasses, cameras, and notebooks.
These items disappeared and the only suspects with the opportunity and
motive to have stolen them were all known to be members of the
repressive, violent, disrespectful, obnoxious, scandalous street gang
known as the "police".

e-Bay should be on the lookout for any such items appearing on their
website and remove them immediately because of doubts about whether they
are the lawful property of those offering them.

For a story, go
Also see<http://students.washington.edu/acohn/ebay.html>

A spokesperson for e-Bay stated, " Hey we're unrepentant capitalists and
we just can't take anymore embarrassment. Come on folks, lighten up!
You're going to ruin our Christmas and make it difficult to enjoy those
$200 bottles of champagne we bought to celebrate the end of the
Capitalist Millennium."

Was that last statement a Freudian slip? Stay tuned, and in the streets,
in the next millennium.

Mike Lehman

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