[Newspoetry] poem, oh no, not another one

auntbarb at onthejob.net auntbarb at onthejob.net
Sun Nov 28 17:35:13 CST 1999

Studies Reveal A Lot About Women And A Little Something About Men

AP(Associated Poets) Two studies released today revealed things about men
and women, according to the polling firm of Scwartz, Schwartz, Schwartz,
Schwartz, and Schwartz.  "We were surprised at some of the findings," said
Edith Schwartz, head of the polling firm.
	In the first study, it was discovered that men still look at
boobs. 100% of male respondents still notice women's breasts on a daily,
sometimes hourly, basis.  However, when women were asked what they felt a
solid basis for a relationship with men was, not a single one answered
	In another study, it was reported that most women would rather
have the chance to pursue their own goals than be stuck in dead-end
relationships. The majority of women polled said that pursuing what they
felt was important in life was far more fulfilling than staying in a
relationship where they were made to feel that what they wanted was "less
important" than what their male partner wanted.  
	"These findings are surprisingly hopeful," said Diane Peterson of
the International Society of Independent Women.  "Often, we feel that we
have to make the choice between staying with someone that we care about
but who isn't very supportive, or striking out on our own.  We don't
believe that it should have to be this way, but it does happen a lot more
often than we would like.  It's a tough choice."
	Often, the study indicates, the choice is made for women.  "We've
found that a lot of women are broken up with simply because they tried to
pursue some things that were important to them and their partners found
this to be incovienient.  Or their partners tried to undermine them
emotionally, and the situation became unbearble.  When they asked for some
form of emotional support, they were dumped."
	"It's a compromise," says one woman painter.  "It isn't that I
wanted to break up, but he couldn't stand the fact that I wanted to
balance my life between him, and well, the rest of my life.  I figured he
could get his own dinner, you know?  So he left, and it does get to be a
bit lonely sometimes.  At least I don't have to listen to him complaining
about my canvasses taking up too much room anymore."
	"Some women reported that they see society as giving them the
choice between having their own lives, thus making them step outside of
the bounds that society would keep them in, or being in a 'meaningful'
relationship.  Since there is SO much social pressure to be in a
relationship, this makes it very difficult for us sometimes," Ms.
Peterson said.  "But in order to be in a relationship in this society, we
have to lose total sight of who we are, or else be considered 'selfish'.
We feel unappreciated at best, and often feel lashed out at.  But the 
results of this study show that we're persevering."
	One writer summed it up this way; "The way I see it, I can be
talented and bury my talent and be miserable, or be talented and explore
ideas and actually do something and feel fulfilled.  I have yet to date a
man who will truly support me in this, even though I know they exist
because I have a lot of really cool male friends.  If I actually meet one
some day who will truly support me in what I want to do, that'll be great.
But in case that never happens, I've got a vibrator."

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