[Newspoetry] more whatnot

gillespie william k gillespi at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sat Oct 2 22:26:52 CDT 1999

> is great.  There's one more limitation (other than space and time) to keep in
> mind here, and that's noise.  If it is decided that we're going to do something
> that involves a lot of commotion, then we need to keep the noise level down, and we can definately perform commotion without a lot of noise.  If it's too loud, then we're going to alienate non-newspoetry customers, and we won't be allowed 

But what about my Electric Guitar Solo Poem?

I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the reading is 5-ish.
(Happy Hour, except dry). I'm
wondering if it couldn't be 7:30/8-ish (assuming they close at 9:00). My
main ulterior motive is that the later we push the time, the more
likelihood that Dirk can make it (he teaches high school that day in
Cincinnati) (he 
wants to come, but isn't willing to take my advice and cancel class Friday
and tell all the kids to instead have _Gravity's Rainbow_ finished by

I think if we nudge the time back we can coax him.

(That was my only point but I kept writing...)

Also my experience has been that if Sweet Betsy's gets dinner business (I
may be wrong) the rush is around 5. Maybe it won't be a problem to make  
noise later. 

Are we at least allowed to read naked?
I'm working on a Newspoetry Etude for prepared piano, where I prepare the
piano by
drilling holes in it and filling it with live eels and setting it on fire
halfway through the piece. Is that going to be a problem?

Or are we supposed to entertain people
who are eating dinner? I hadn't thought of that. We're, like, light jazz?
We're not going to tear the roof off the sucker? Ask Terry if it's okay if
we tear the roof off the sucker. 

Electronic political poetry & tofu salad. Urp. For people who don't eat
dairy but love profanity and slander, war and capital punishment. Free ice
cream and indoctrination for the kids.

> 	I propose that some of us meet there and talk about it so that we're 
> actually looking at the space itself.  	

Great idea. Any day after 5 works for me. We can have dinnah and tawk. Oh
Lawd it's been yeahs since I last ate a slice of the pizza there... I love
the sawce there.

William the Hun

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