[Newspoetry] vaguesetlist finaldraft

William Gillespie gillespi at staff.uiuc.edu
Fri Oct 15 12:10:09 CDT 1999

This is only an outline. We can rearrange, add, subtract as we proceed.
This is my last draft of this and I will print out copies to bring
tonight. My intention is not to make decisions for the group or
eliminate the possibility of spontaneity but just to make a sketch to
guide us through a fairly overwhelming amount of material in a
performance context the exact nature of which is difficult to
anticipate, so if there are concerns, squawk. You certainly have the
freedom to perform whatever you want, irrespective of what's on this
list. A certain amount of playing it by ear is unavoidable.

Also, it may be long so nobody will mind if you come and go during the
performance. For better or for worse, I'm at least as concerned about
the videotape as I am about the live audience so I would discourage
people from shortening their sets out of pity or because the audience
all left. Even if Terry yells at us, it still might make for interesting

Having mastered the technical aspects and seen how much fun it was, we
might try this again in a venue that's actually set up as a performance
space, and try to polish/refine/condense it then. But not this month,
the duration of which I will spent crunching the video into webpages
spending many a long evening with Hagy and Eisenstein. (Brian's computer
is the only one at OJC who isn't a famous communist, but at least it is

I'm going to try to make it there by 5:30.

Let's have some fun tonight, okay? Please?

                   Explains the history of Newspoetry
                           "Political Poetry"
                  "And you arrive with your psychoses"
                        "Money for Food" [MUSIC]
                "Ventriloquist's Administration" [MUSIC]

              "Today the impeachment thing is over" [w/DC]


              "This Land is My Land" / "If I had a Pencil"

                   "Terse Phrase Vies for Attention"
                  "Horrible, Stupid Crap Happens ..."
                             "Skirt Strike"
                   "Death Penalty Fails to Deter ..."

                          "State of the Union"
                         (?) "Crayola Crayons"

                                2 Poems

                     "#32 Final Exam Spring 1999."
                        "#40 Peace Agreement. "
                         "#46 Peace Process.  "
                    "AFTER 'WHAT THINGS ARE CALLED'"
                       "What Things are Called."
               "Day in the Life of a Newspoet" w/ ME, BH

                       "Walmart Anthem" w/piano!

                         (?) "Money..." (w/ BH)
                  "NATO faces potential embarassment"
        (?) Newspoem 7/21/99 ("An Internet Content Provider"(?))
      "Last Night I dreamed I Made Sandwiches for the Revolution"

                "Colonel's Wife Faces Cocaine Charge..."
                      "RE: Suckers!" (w/ WG & AB)

                          Sound poem by Myles?

                      Honorary Newspoet: Phil Ochs
                                WG & DC

                  "Still Life With Albananian Refugee"
                 "Commentary via Lexical Modification"
               "More Reflections on the Internet Economy"

            excerpt from "Waiting for (Dirk)" by Sam Beckett

                "Unentitled libretto for a piano player"
           "We should consider depleted Uranium Radioactive"
            "Malaysian Prime Minister Elected Limerick Rose"
            "clinton deploys us bombs to fight floyd" by SP
                    "y2k says people are dumb" by SM


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