[Newspoetry] LPFM programming ideas

Joe Futrelle futrelle at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Sun Aug 27 13:17:56 CDT 2000

Here are some examples of programming I'm submitting to the FCC.  Any
other ideas?

Examples of Programming

"Headline Newspoems":  On the hour, this 5-minute capsule will contain
short poems (for instance haikus, limericks, or just couplets) about
the top stories of the moment.

"The Daily Poem":  A daily show with poems about current events as
well as works by well-known poets which are relevant in some way to
current events.  This is the core program of the channel, and would be
rebroadcast several times during the day.

"The Weather":  A poem by a local or well-known poet about today's
weather conditions.

"Shredded News":  Readings of current news stories, cut up and
rearranged to take on new forms and meanings.  Stories can be
juxtaposed by inserting text from one story into another.  Meanings
can be altered by selectively deleting words from a story.

"Hour of Forms":  An exploration of a particular poetic form in
relation to recent news stories.  For instance, the show might focus
on the sestina.  Several non-news-related examples from well-known
poets would be given in order to explain the sestina form and show
what it could do.  This would be followed by a collection of sestinas
about recent events.

"An Interview with the Listener": An interview without an interviewee,
consisting entirely of questions.

"Ye Olde Newspoetry":  This historical program would show links
between the works of well-known poets throughout history and the news
of their time.  It would discuss how news was reported and received
during that time, and then show where a well-known poet referred to
current events in their work.

"Automatic Newspoetry":  Dramatic readings of dry, statistical data
such as stock quotes and census data.

"Natural Culture":  Gossip, fashion, and scandal reporting about the
local flora and fauna.

Joe Futrelle
Newspoetry dot com

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