[Newspoetry] Hat Returns after Nader Champaign

Bill Wendling wendling at ganymede.isdn.uiuc.edu
Sun Aug 27 20:03:50 CDT 2000

rest assured, it wasn't :)

Also sprach Mike Lehman:
} This has been fun, but please don't tell us it was all scripted, like a
} Disney moment. I'll never be the same if my illusions are crushed.
} This happened once when I was six years old and I haven't looked at
} anything fictional with the same interest twice. Don't ruin it for me
} and newspoetry. It'll dash all my dreams and cause me to start smoking
} crack and robbing liquor stores.
} -sniff-
} 'Cause I'll need my blankie to comfort me (and it was lost nearly four
} decades ago, somewhere between Terre Haute and Phoenix.)
} Mike
} Bill Wendling wrote:
} > 
} > Bill's Hat Returns after Nader Speech
} > 
} > Urbana - NP - Bill's hat returned today on its own volition after being
} > present at <a href="http://www.wordwork.org/rnwbh.jpg">Nader's
} > speech</a>.
} > 
} > When asked of its whereabouts, the hat's reply was cryptic, ranging from
} > describing how it would disappear for Nader to how Red Hat operatives
} > came and used it in a photo shoot.
} > 
} > The truth of the hat's whereabouts are still trying to be ascertained.
} > However, the reunion of that had with Bill was said to be very emotional
} > and worthy of an Oprah moment.
} > 
} > "Words fail me," Bill said through tear-soaked words.
} > 
} > Look for the hat in further adventures from the folks at Newspoetry (Urbana).
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|| Bill Wendling			wendling at ganymede.isdn.uiuc.edu

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