[Newspoetry] I shouldn't do this or should I shit I don't know

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 31 14:54:06 CST 2000

I think the writer was probably referring to the fact that we Nader
voters are, for the most part, unrepentant in the choice we made, rather
than trying to insult those who felt that they had to vote for Gore. We
accept the fact that many otherwise progressive people felt that they
had to vote for Gore---we just wish they would respect that we had to
vote for Nader.

The fact remains that on 90% of issues Bush and Gore were virtually
indistinguishable. I have to seriously disagree that Clinton/Gore did
much of anything positive for workers (with the sole exception of the
Family Leave Act) and did much that was highly destructive against them,
typified by situations such as:

I take it kind of personally, too, having lost my job of 23 years,
becuase of the failure of the the Dems to enforce the weak labor laws we
already have, let alone bring the US up to civilized standards that are
internationally accepted in much of the rest of the industrialized
world. Initiatives like NAFTA and GATT actively seek to undermine
International Labor Organization standards in other countries and to
drag the rest of the world done to the social darwinist norms that
prevail in repressive dictatorships and, ironically, the US.

And, of course, we are such a shining example of how to run a democrtaic
and fair election...

I could have had at least a little shred of respect for Gore if he
hadn't rolled over and conceded an obviously stolen election to Dubya.
But that is so typical of the lack of principles that the Dem leadership
suffers. They will always cave to the Right, but are unwilling to
compromise with the left on issues that have wide public support, but
are opposed by their corporate funders.

I can see making such a choice based on fear, but it seems folks like
Gore expect you to abandon your hopes in the process.

Even if Gore, etc might happen to be good on an issue or two that is
really important to you personally, can you really trust them to stand
by you when the chips are down? Many of us have learned by bitter
experience the Democratic "Leadership" Council will sell you out in a
heartbeat to keep the "business climate" comfy. We simply can no longer
hold our noses while we vote for such flaming bags of insincere hot air.

Voting for Nader forces them to deal with us, rather simply taking
progressive voters for granted and then ignoring them after the
election. That's why it is so upsetting to the Dem leadership--that they
may actually have to do something progressive to get those votes back,
rather than to simply talk about how nice such ideas are in the last
couple of months of an 8 year administration.  The Dems know the votes
are there--now what are they going to do about winning them, other than
whining about how it cost them they election?

They made their choice and we made ours. Isn't that what politics is
supposed to be about?

Rick Burkhardt wrote:
> >12. Number of people who voted for Nader who subsequently think that
> Gore will be better than Bush for some reason:
> >a. I want a recount!
> >b. Flapjacks...Mmmmm
> >c. I want a dolly!
> >d. Fneeh!
> Ahem.
> Are you trying to insult me?
> Or just activists in general?
> Or perhaps the many millions of black, Latino, female, gay, and union
> voters who apparently think that Gore will be better than Bush "for
> some reason"?
> Or just the ones whose votes weren't counted?
> Or just the people who protested when that happened?
> Or just the ones who invited you to the protest that you didn't show
> up for?
> 17.  What do the American "left" and the American right have in
> common?
> a.  Slimy rhetoric
> b.  Ran Nader ads
> c.  Better at attacking the left than the right
> d.  Act as if Nader's 2.7% of the vote is somehow "good"
> e.  Will claim to want a discussion of this and then not discuss it
> except maybe in private behind each other's backs
> f.  Make me feel miserable
> g.  All of the above
> h.  Fneeh your-fucking-self

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