[Newspoetry] technical update

Joe Futrelle futrelle at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Feb 11 17:52:56 CST 2000


In a fit of paranoia concerning copyrights, I replaced the newspoetry
logo, which had been partly pilfered from the NYT's web site, with a
hand-drawn equivalent.  Enjoy.

Other changes:
- checked NP into CVS and made a mirror site to edit
- added some CSS link-hovering behavior for all you IE fans
- added link to the NP mailing list

It has ultimately been a good week for newspoetry despite a rocky
start.  The WTO hyperfiction went up today and my inbox is stuffed
with all manner of lovelies.  For now, though, I think we can all
thank Ted it's Friday.

(I mean Koppel of course).

-- Ed.

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