[Newspoetry] Dirty Tricks Newsflash

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 6 08:31:01 CST 2000

I went out to the front yard a minute ago to get my Nader yardsign to
take with me to speech class as a visual aid for my Nader speech this
morning. I was distressed to find that the Democratic Dirty Tricks Squad
was at work after midnight when the sign was still there. It is gone,
but the three Dem signs that were out there with it were untouched.
Needless to say, although I still support the Dems mentioned on those
signs, the Dem signs are now in my garage. I hate having to do that, but
I feel that those among the Dems who have no honor (relecting the
corruption at the top of their party) forced my hand. I urge anyone else
that this happens to to do the same.
Mike Lehman

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