[Newspoetry] do the right thing day (fwd)

Mark Enslin enslin at prairienet.org
Fri Sep 8 12:34:59 CDT 2000

Last year the school for designing a society (that shady operation exposed
by gillespie in a recent work of investigative newspoetry) somehow
finagled a table at the Do the Right Thing Day Unity celebration
at Douglas Park in Champaign. We brought tempera paints and paper and
became popular with young people (I don't know about parents who had to
deal with tempera on the clothes).

Will Patterson of the Urban League liked what we did also, and invited us
to return for this year's Do the Right Thing Day--tomorrow. 

I was thinking of having a paint poem project (or a daub on type game), 
where I'd bring poems for people to paint around or over (and in the
process maybe also read) and have poetry assignments, too--if anyone wants
to suggest or bring a newspoem for such a thing day, and perhaps bring a
typewriter, meet me at the school around 9am or come by Douglas Park
between 10 and 4. There's a parade at 10am which I'm not sure I want to be
part of; that requires lining up at 9.

Douglas park is at 5th and Park St. in Champaign, Illinois.

The particpants last time tended to be ages 5-12...


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