[Newspoetry] be all that you can be

Bill Wendling wendling at ganymede.isdn.uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 10 16:10:34 CST 2001

Be a killer
Be homophobic
Be a mindless drone

Also sprach William Gillespie:
} Be a crash-test dummy for Lockheed-Martin
} Be exposed to poisons and have nightmares for the rest of your life
} Be killed
} Joe Futrelle wrote:
} > Army Retires "Be All You Can Be" Jingle
} >
} > http://www.cnn.com/2001/US/01/10/new.army/index.html
} >
} > Alternatives:
} >
} > Be all you'll ever be
} > Be less than you can be
} > Be what you're told to be
} > Be all we'll let you be
} > Be not asked and don't tell
} > Be what you can get away with being
} >
} > The new slogan is "An Army of One".
} >
} > Dear Representative,
} >
} > If we have an Army of One,
} > why does it cost
} > hundreds of billions of dollars?
} >
} > Yours,
} >
} > --
} > Joe Futrelle
} > editor-toward-chief
} > Newspoetry dot calm
} >
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} _______________________________________________
} Newspoetry maillist  -  Newspoetry at ganymede.isdn.uiuc.edu
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|| Bill Wendling			wendling at ganymede.isdn.uiuc.edu

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