[Newspoetry] be all that you can be

Maiko Covington mcovingt at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Wed Jan 10 18:55:21 CST 2001

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Joe Futrelle wrote:

> The new slogan is "An Army of One".
> Dear Representative,
> If we have an Army of One,
> why does it cost
> hundreds of billions of dollars?

	Why, because it is determined to fly itself around in a B-2
bomber. With an anti-missle defense shield, plus some scanners to detect
the rogue missiles (from Nations Formerly Known as Rogue States, of course)
being delivered by pizza delivery van from time to time. All that, plus
a swanky golf umbrella to keep the plane dry in case of rain, starts to
add up to some substantial buckage.

	Maiko "Army ONE, the low-calorie alternative" Covington

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