[Newspoetry] Support Laura Huth

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Sun Mar 25 20:43:36 CST 2001

As everyone probably knows by now, Laura has been targetted by the
mayor. Please consider helping her campiagn in any way you can in the
last few days before April 3. If you can make calls or help walk blocks
next weekend, this is especially needed.

Contact David Johnson to volunteer or to find out what you can do to
help at:

If you need any more convincing how crucial this vote is, read my letter
to the editor, which I hope will appear in the News-Gazette before the

To the Editor,

In a letter that was circulated to certain individuals in Ward 5 of
Urbana, Mayor Satterthwaite alleges that independent candidate Chuck
McCaffrey is the only candidate representing "the true Democratic
ideal." This comes as quite a surprise to Democratic candidate Laura
Huth’s many supporters and is an apparent backhanded slap at her hard
work in representing her constituents for four years.

If Mr. McCaffrey was such a good Democrat, why didn’t he run in a
primary against Laura? Because he is nothing more than Tod’s tool to
attack Laura for her disagreements with his machine-style governing. She
may not have always voted the way the Mayor wants, but she has done an
excellent job of representing the needs of her ward.

The Mayor is unhappy with her support of the firefighters, when she
resisted his efforts to burden Urbana with answering a large part of
Champaign’s fire calls without compensation. The firefighters themselves
back Laura’s position.

The Mayor alleges that the drainage agreement with the University and
Champaign will prevent flooding. No piece of paper has ever stopped a
flood. We are just lucky there hasn’t been a "goose-drowner" yet to test
a system with an agreement that leaves Urbana without recourse in the
event of flooding.

Democratic Chairperson Gerri Parr says that Laura is "the ONLY
Democratic candidate in Ward 5." Trust her, and Laura’s record on the
environment, balanced development and honest, open government, rather
than the mayor’s effort to build a rubber-stamp city council in Urbana,
on April 3.

Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL

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