[Newspoetry] print venue for newspoets.

Joe Futrelle futrelle at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Mon May 14 11:45:49 CDT 2001

Sure, as editor-within-chief I'm happy to be the liason.  The mailing
list is publicly-archived at the Newspoetry site, and all the
Newspoems we've ever run are archived and accessible through the
various indecies on the left side of the Newspoetry interface.

So what I'd recommend is that you IMC folks simply choose which poems
you want to run and then I can see about getting the authors'
permission.  I give you blanket permission to publish any of my poems.
Other poets may want to do this or may want to give permission on a
per-case basis.

If poets want to write specifically for the IMC publication and not
for the site, then fine, they can be that way and see if I care ;),
and I don't think there's any need for a middleperson, they should
just contact you directly, right?

Does this make sense to all you Newspoets?

On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 11:34:24AM -0600, Sascha Meinrath wrote:
> hey all,
> i was curious if the newspoet collective would be interested in publishing 
> poems in a new newspaper the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is 
> starting.  i'm trying to coordinate the effort and would really like to 
> include your poetry.
> would someone be willing to be a newspoet liaison?
> please let me know,
> --sascha meinrath
> urbana-champaign IMC

Joe Futrelle
Newspoetry daught calm

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