[Newspoetry] Osama bin Harry

John gavroche at gavroche.org
Fri Nov 16 17:06:24 CST 2001

Osama bin Harry

I've casted Dubya as Draco
And Osama as Voldemort.
(Perhaps Riddle or Snape
Might be more appropriate.)

All the actors and musicians
Who encouraged the nation
To reach into their pockets
Are definitely the Veela.

Operation Whatever
Is the Quidditch World Cup --
With the Taliban playing the Snitch.
But who should I cast as Harry?

Some will tell me
My sorting hat erred
And should have placed Dubya
In the House of Gryffindor

But they're all Republicans
(I'll make them the Slytherins)
Or like Dubya years ago
Are high on cocaine.

It's tempting to cast
The firemen, the soldiers
Or perhaps the passengers 
Of Flight 93.

But none of these satisfy
And my search continues
For the fantasy hero
Who'll save us all.

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 13:12:58 -0600 Joe Futrelle wrote:

> b) we're once again running out of pomes.  I hereby offer "free beer"
> (or equivalent) to the first 3 (count them) three poets out of the
> gate.

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