[Newspoetry] Re: poem, yet another

Donald L Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Thu Feb 28 15:40:26 CST 2002

Once upon a time,
In an age long ago,
Dinosaurs ruled Earth.
When I say dinosaur,
You must recognize
That I do mean lizards,
Reptiles, unmammals,
Ancestors minus-infinity.

Family resemblances
Are thought to persist
Over many generations,
Reappearing occasionally,
In some descendants,
Who, in family pictures,
Photographs, paintings,
Look remotely familiar,
Allowing for differences
In methods of reproduction,
On white canvas sheets.

(Holograms would do it
In thin air as rays meet,
Hollow-space intersects.)

So, belatedly, to Mr. Big,
Salamander of Bargar fame,
Oregon FireBelly, non-furball,
I want to say Happy Birthday,
Now that you are, dear cousin,
Over 250,000,000 years old!
(But aren't we all of one age?)

And, when our unlikely kin,
250,000,000 million hence,
Notice their pets b-days,
Will those pets be like us,
Generations far removed,
Or unimaginably as different
As Mr.Big seems to you or I?

They say that Bigness itself,
Mere Size, wins all battles,
Until a primary conflict ends
As some new quality appears,
That expresses size better,
More efficiently, perhaps.

Big muscles and sharp teeth
Let their bodies grow large.
To this accident, man added
Bio-affordable Eco-safe brains.
What will next species have
That we poor humans don't?

Well, Mr.Big, tell us, please,
Your Newt-onion cogitations
Of what's becoming us later?

Thanks for listening
Donald L Emerick

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