[Newspoetry] separated at birth?

Mike Lehman rebelmike at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 3 13:52:09 CST 2002

That IS Ari. Note that both Ari and "Zucker" started their jobs about
the same time. The CNN people and W figured that since CNN was just
going to uncritically repeat the White House's press releases pretty
much word for word anyway, that they all could save money, and avoid
those nasty disagreements that the press and the Prsidency get in
occassionally, by simply hiring the same guy.

Joe Futrelle wrote:
> Check out Jeff Zucker, NBC exec.  Is he Ari Fleischer's lost twin or what?
> http://www.cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/TV/01/02/apontv.zuckers.world.ap/index.html

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