[Newspoetry] The News from Jupiter

John Newmark jcnewmark at gavroche.org
Mon Jan 14 21:50:51 CST 2002


The News From Jupiter

I'm depressed.

Not because the company I work for
happens to be threatening
workforce reductions.

I can handle that.

Not because our President
can't seem to swallow a pretzel
without going unconscious.

I laugh at that.

No, it's the news from Jupiter.
Porn is no longer popular.
The internet is no longer
synonymous with breasts.

What's wrong with the world?

Don't they know,
that's what the internet was designed for?

There's only one thing for me to do.
Do my part to change the stats.
It's my patriotic duty.
And it's bound to cheer me up.

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