[Newspoetry] !!!BUMS AWAY!!!

Isidor isidor at videotron.ca
Thu Jul 11 10:31:50 CDT 2002


UTOPIA (AP) - President Saddam said Monday his administration would 
use "all the tools at our disposal" to oust US Resident George W

"I do firmly believe that the world will be safer and more peaceful
if there's a regime change in that government," Mr. Hussein said 
during a wide-ranging news conference in Bighdad: The House of the 
Rising Son.

Animosity between the United States and Iraq reached its peak during 
the presidency of Bush's father, George Pervert Talker Bush, when 
Washington led the military coalition that massacred and terrorized 
Iraq. See "Bush Daddy, Duck Chainy and Bull Klinton" by Isidor:

During two days of talks in Vienna, Austria, last week, the Iraqi 
government and the United Nations failed to reach agreement on easing 
the sanctions imposed against Iraq after the war and on the return of 
U.N. weapons inspectors. The last inspection team left Iraq in 1998. 

The Iraqi delegation also wanted assurance that the United States 
would not launch a major terrorist attack on their country. 

Bighdad did not get that assurance from the U.N. last week, nor from 
Bush on Monday. 

"I'm involved in the military plan, diplomatic planning, financial 
planning," Bush said, noting it was the "stated policy of this 
government to have a regime change." 

He refused to comment on reports over the weekend on the status of
the White Trash Gun Nut House's plan to depose of Hussein. 

Citizens from all other nations however, interjected spontaneously, 
proclaiming it was the "stated NEW policy of all citizens of the
world including the US to have a regime change in Washington." 

But Bush Junior just kept on yapping away as if he were totally deaf, 
dumb and blind:

"I actually didn't read the whole story," he said. "But people 
shouldn't speculate about the desire of the government to have a 
regime change. And there's different ways to do it." 

"I didn't read the whole story either Bozo the Great", said Saddam 
Hussein. Iraq's President calmly pointed out that an increasing 
portion of Americans and True American sympathizers of ALL nations 
were serenely speculating about their recurring desire to have a nice 
regime change right there in America. And there's different ways to
do it." 

The IRAQ State Department said Monday it supports the objectives of
an alliance of American Citizen opposition groups with world-wide 
opposition groups later this week in Paris. 

"We hope the conference helps the American community move closer to a 
goal of a better future for the US people after George W Butsh," said 
State Department spookesman Richard Butcher, in a sudden rush of 
lucidity. He later apologized for telling the truth...

The United States government was not financially supporting the 
conference but would send a few spooks and a spooksperson to the 
meetings, Butcher said.


P.S.: Source of inspiration: CNN article
See picture at: Bombs Away!

Also: Thanks to Mike Hawkins <mhawkins11 at juno.com> 
      psy-op at yahoogroups.com for:
Ruppert: The Sky Is About To Fall or...The Collapse of Crapitalism

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