[Newspoetry] President Bush Announces Greed Office Defense Initiative

Isidor isidor at videotron.ca
Fri Jul 12 17:28:57 CDT 2002

President Bush Announces Greed Office Defense Initiative 

                     By Luther Blissett 

     Tuesday 09 Jul 2002 

     New cabinet-level office will fight War on Capitalist Greed 

 In an effort to attack corporate corruption and "crack down on those
rascally varmints," president George W. Bush announced today a new
cabinet-level office to wage his War on Capitalist Greed. 

"Make no mistake," the president said. "This is a war, and you're 
either with us, or you're with the greedy capitalists." 

Heading the new Greed Office Defense initiative, or GOD initiative, 
will be former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay. "Make no mistake, we will do 
everything in our power to fight capitalist greed wherever it
occurs," Lay's attorney said in a statement following the president's
address. Lay himself was unavailable for direct comment.

According to White House officials, Lay was chosen because of his
firsthand experience with capitalist greed and corruption. "We felt he
was the perfect man for the job," one administration official said. 
"And Michael Milken was...busy. With philanthropy work." 

With Lay in place, the White House feels it has assembled at last the
perfect combination of brain power and brute force to carry out what
will no doubt be a long and drawn-out battle with the forces of
corporate and capitalist greed. "Cheney, Ashcroft, Bush, and now
Lay--with this Dream Team of capitalist greed fighters, we can't 
lose!" said one White House official. 

"Make no mistake--maybe not in our generation, or the next one, or 
even the next one, but eventually, the forces of greedism and 
corruptionality will be vanquished forever--unless the world all goes 
to hell first," said president Bush from his oil ranch in Texas, 
before giving a thumbs-up and riding off into the sunset. 

Asked for comment on the new office, and whether they may be asked to
help carry out the president's initiative, WorldCom executives pleaded
the Fifth Amendment.

President Bush Announces Greed Office Defense Initiative - Luther
Good GOD Luther...That's A Great Idea! - George Wonderful Bush 
hahaha... - junglejaws

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