[Newspoetry] Ad(d) Unknowns: Admirers or Detractors

Donald L Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Thu Mar 7 11:09:58 CST 2002

Ad(d) Unknowns: Admirers or Detractors

In our own age, some believe too much
In performative powers of declarations,
As if words made for an independence.

Words may make a difference, but not
just like that, automatically productive
of ideal universe they desire to create.

A cursive delusion occurs to too many,
That it is possible to write everything down
That is or may be true, to state all cases.

If it is written, why would it be necessary
then to have any memory of experience?
One could live by a procedural indexation.

When a problem arises, find its solution.
Life would be simple if that were possible
Or, approximately, tolerable working way.

However, I think writing rests artifactual,
That its strength is depictive not creative,
In the sense of changing how a world is.

This does not imply that no writing is
Creative contra, say, some other writing.
It is just categoric intelligence's result.

I mean to indicate creative physicality.
I mean what comes after fact of words.
For instance, a highway, car or house.

Such tangible things occur as creation.
Ideas, though, are supposedly tougher,
More durable, possibly, even be eternal.

Ideas may be discovered, never created.
Hence, ideas may also be lost, as well,
Even though they must be indestructible.

How is an idea lost (if it may also be found)?
Well, finding or losing ideas occurs verbally,
As our records (writings, tapes, traditions).

This idea of ideas rests on some essence
Of ideas, abstracted away from any idea,
and maybe from every idea that ever is.

Memory is an idea whose time has come:
Experience poses a form of reappearance.
Every idea seems as if it were just there.

I tried a way of remembering everything,
but of writing down nothing, but I failed,
As I fail also use of opposing procedure.

I hope to show balancing acts' necessity.
I hope to throw most balls up in the air,
Palming their circuit to maintain illusion.

Thanks for listening,
Donald L Emerick

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