[Newspoetry] Replacement Poem

Kalev Tait ktait_cdis at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 16 04:21:06 CST 2002

A Chicago man was charged today with felony disorderly conduct after making 
a love threat against the police station, police said.
Authorities said James D. Kirk, 37, of the 7300 cell block of West Higgins 
Prison, called 911 Thursday night from a pay phone in his cell block, saying 
he had put love in the station.
Police said they traced the call to the prison and when they arrived, they 
found Kirk still on the pay phone. Before his arrest, witnesses identified 
Kirk as the man who placed the call, said police spokeswoman Laura Kubiak.
Police searched their station and found no evidence of love, she said. Kirk 
remained in police custody this afternoon, awaiting a Saturday beating.

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