[Newspoetry] fwd: International Day of Poetry Against the War

Robert Porter bwp61 at ix.netcom.com
Sun Feb 23 19:45:04 CST 2003

Anti-war Poetry Readings
Everywhere on March 5!

Poems and Statements of 10,000 Poets
to be Delivered to Congress

Poets Against the War is calling for an International Day of Poetry 
Against the War on Wednesday, March 5th. We are asking poets around 
the world to schedule readings and/or discussions of poetry and protest 
for that day, to join us in the largest gathering of poets in recorded 
history on the day in which we present members of the U.S. Congress with 
the largest single-theme anthology ever compiled.

In the coming days, many of them will be entered into the Congressional 
Record. On the evening of March 5th, we will hold a major poetry reading 
in Washington, DC, and ask others to lend their voices to ours in readings 
and conversations on that day.

Deadline for Submitting Poems: February 28 at Midnight. The Poets Against 
the War web site will continue to accept anti-war poems for publication 
until midnight, February 28.  We will soon post a form for filing news of 
poetry readings to be held around the world on March 5th. The web site 
will remain open for reading poems at least through April, National Poetry 

We still need your help to make a powerful statement against the war. The 
money you give will be used to coordinate the movement, buy newspaper ads,
  make a documentary film, encourage public readings, and publish the web 
site. Please make the most generous donation you can to Poets Against the 
War. You can make a secure online donation using a credit card via PayPal.
  If you haven't used PayPal before, a brief and fairly painless 
registration process is required.

Or send checks payable to "Poets Against the War" to:

Poets Against the War
Box 1614
Port Townsend, WA 98368

For more information about donating to Poets Against the War, contact 
donate at poetsagainstthewar.org. Peace and thanks.

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