[Newspoetry] Sacrifice (a) Science? Why not Economics?

Donald L Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Tue Dec 14 08:23:22 CST 2004

Christian Conservatives Press Issues in Statehouses
By Neela Banerjee in The New York Times -- 2004.12.13 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/13/national/13states.html

State Representative Cynthia Davis of Missouri prefiled two bills for the next session of the Legislature that she said "reflect what people want."  One would remove the state's requirement that all forms of contraception and their potential health effects be taught in schools, leaving the focus on abstinence.  Another would require publishers that sell biology textbooks to Missouri to include at least one chapter with alternative theories to evolution.  "These are common-sense, grass-roots ideas from the people I represent, and I'd be very surprised if a majority of legislators didn't feel they were the right solutions to these problems," Ms. Davis said.

***  a lost poem wandering through a la(z)y’s news  ***

At All Odds Against Anti-Conservative Science Teachings

Everyone knows that Science is just plain common sense:
When if it ain’t so, then it’s some conceit, a plain foolishness,
something the Liberals intervented between Man and God --
confusing Right and elevating Wrong in a Satanic services.

Burning Truth is no adjective they apply to Truth, but Force:
They’ll burn books again, shortly before they burn authors,
Publishers, readers, and miscellaneous suspicious others --
Anyone who thinks that Science is some Objective Matter.

Everything has a Moral Character and has its Subjectivity:
That’s a Truth they teach everyone, right next to this idea,
Society is prone to evil, chaotic without a LawGiving-State --
Unless God-gives Law to the State, ala Prophet, ala me.

There is no Prophet but Ala this-or-that, so I always say:
What does it prophet a man to gain a whole World and, yet,
To lose his own Soul in running the www.govern.con/quest --
No Truth can long resist the Pure Power of Popular Pulpits.

You’ll know when they’ve ruled too long too late too well:
Their thesis of Truth is that it’s God-Given and Unverifable,
But by pedigreed passages down a hierarchy of authority –
The Pope-ala-Pontiff says it, indisputable it is, it must be so.

The Dark Ages the next time will be so much a darker time:
To eyes accustomed to living a world lit by Enlightenment,
The Darkness will seem even deeper than it is, a Blackhole –
Who can imagine the Power needed to exit such a Hell?

What powers Truth, giving it Force, is an alignment of stars:
The ancients knew this, they called their knowing Astrology,
a proto-science that split its personality into two beings –
Astronomy to see Stars, Psychology to eye Star-seers.

Sciences of the mind are thus ever endangered species:
They inhabit a separation of functions, a splitting of hairs,
The objective is easily confused with purposive objectivity –
For who can see what is there when it should not be there?

I sat in a Cave awhile with Zarathustra, to Sacrifice Science:
Every Science has its God to propitiate, always an Unknown,
Sacrifice is what we do, pleasing ourselves into our thinking –
Saying that we please our God by what we burn, on an altar.

Man is ever looking for His victim, a proper sacrifice to blood:
Notice the dark matters of the Origin when Cain slays Abel,
And testily defends his innocence by denying all knowledge –
“Why make me, Lord; why make me account for his wellbeing?”

The truth of blood-letting is the mark that Abel made on Cain:
For Cain slew vegetables for God’s feast, but their juices thin,
Compared to the red stuff spilling from the veins Abel opened –
A best beast is more easily found than the greatest ear of corn.

Oh, we all sacrifice, constantly, more or less grimly we reap:
We trade in a deadly Economy defined by Death in disguises,
Money is just the name for the Market where Trade happens –
Where sacrifice is made, on an altar, where bloods are poured.

Disintermediation means they have sinned, lost sight of blood:
Opposing trans-substantiation supposes symbols may revive,
Come to life when they are re-covered in well-dosed beliefs –
Sacrifice always finds a proper form for Nudity to hide in blood.

The Time is ripe for a teaching of which Science to Sacrifice:
Let us bleed the veins of the Science of Sacrifice, Economics,
For Economics has long been most false to all of the Gods --
It has taught that Man is but a beast, and best treated as if one.

Economics has taught that there is none more powerful than it:
Economy rules all trades and exchanges, preoccupying incomes,
Except when Man is foolish, less than Rational, disorganized –
For no one can save the Man who values Nothing over himself.

Kill the flatterering calves of the fatter cats: their Econo-Science:
They teach us that Man lives for lust, to gather its dust in heaps,
The highest heap being the most important, where soldiers live –
Buried on top of the bodies they have slain for their feasts.

Ah, at last I’ve said it, this old canon of canine cannibalism:
Every sacrifice starts a feast of fits for the inscrutable gods,
But we dogs are lucky to be feeding, under the altar tables –
Left-overs are not so bad, a happy meal, when eaten fresh.

They won’t let me sacrifice Economics in the Public Schools:
They want me to pick off the greatest ears of corn: Biology,
Physics, Chemistry – all sappy subjects of silly unsentience –
Because they require deep belief in meaningful externalities.

They won’t let me sacrifice Economics in the Public Schools:
For it teaches us that Demand is the command of the species,
And that Suppliers are but the humble servants of a great god –
Thou shalt not Monkey with the Law of the Lord of Capitalism.

Thou shalt have no other Gods, before me (Idols?  Kill’em all):
Bow down and worship at no other places than my Temples,
For the Lord loves a Monopoly, even a Capitalist Monopoly –
And, remember, my Sabbath is a HoliDay, a WorkDay at Rest.

Honor thy Father and Mother, when their Estate’s large enough:
Waste not your valuable freetime self-indulgently and want not,
Neither the lives nor the property of those who live around you –
Know they, by Reputation, only are wise-cracked up as asses.

They won’t let me Sacrifice Economics in the Public Schools:
They’d rather not talk about the Grace of God, to Love all Men,
As if God had some Queer Eye out for Straight Guys and Gals –
As if God, unnaturally loves states of unclothing, prefers nudity.

They won’t let me teach the Naked Truth about this Voyeurist:
The All-seeing can see everything, everyplace, all of the time,
The word pornography means nothing to the great porn-king –
Who watches, instant replay, incessantly incestuous shows.

There’s no Privacy, nor right to it, against an All-Seeing Eye:
He sees you when you’re sleeping, or shitting or yet fucking,
He knows when you’re bad, or good, by the scenes you fake –
I preach against Economics.God, its Annual Mass of Sacrifice.

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