[Newspoetry] Sex

DL Emerick emerick at chorus.net
Mon Nov 28 00:46:49 CST 2005

Oh, by the way,
there is nothing in life
nothing that is greater than sex!

I urge all of you to find it,
sexual partners who love you,
who let you explore them
as they explore you,
the physical being that you are,
and maybe too explore some of your soul,
for it is connected to you, sexually,
and you never quite know it,
even in the throes of sex,
you ever keep something in reserve.

Oh, god, were I not emasculated,
I'd be willing to fuck you all,
male and female, any of you,
though I've never done the first,
and only rarely the second,
if it would help you,
if it would make you more sexual,
more willing to love,
to see yourself in love.

Oh, I love all of you,
like a parent loves his children,
like God who said go out,
reproduce, fuck yourselves silly,
and make the world,
even by making children,
as long as they honor you,
but have a fucking good time,
as long as you honor me!

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