[Newspoetry] Re: poetic dictionaries

John gavroche at gmail.com
Wed May 2 09:06:41 CDT 2007

I solved the 'over 2000 results' issue with morewords.com

the search: *a* ^eiouys
results in all 'a' univocalics without the letter 's'
the search *a* *s* ^eiouy
results in all the 'a' univocalics with the letter 's'

I guess all I had to do was fire off a couple queries to encourage me
to find the answer myself.  Thanks.

On 02/05/07, John <gavroche at gmail.com> wrote:
> I meant scrabble players instead of crossword puzzlers.  crossword
> puzzlers would have less need for lists of univocalic words.
> http://www.morewords.com/
> is the closest I've found.  Lots of different search options
> http://www.morewords.com/examples/
> But any search result with over 2000 answers they don't display, and
> univocalics for a,e,i and o are all over 2000.  (You can get a great
> list for U though with 1095 words)
> lustful cumulus crumbs hurt fungus glut

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