[Newspoetry] Franken Wins

DL Emerick emerick at tds.net
Tue Jun 30 20:48:15 CDT 2009

Minnesota Court Rules Democrat Al Franken Won Senate Seat; Coleman Concedes 
Reuters: "The Minnesota Supreme Court on Tuesday declared Democrat Al
Franken the winner of a tight US Senate race over Republican Norm Coleman,
which should give Democrats the 60-seat majority they need to overcome
procedural obstacles and push through their agenda."

8 months after the election.
8 months.

The Paul Wellstone seat we lost
when he died in a plane crash,
is back again --
as the man that Karl Rove made Senator,
Norm Coleman, finally concedes,
He lost the election fair and square.

I just turned 61, a few weeks back --
it's nice the Democrats in the Senate are now 60 --
and poised to take 6 to 8 additional Senate seats next year.

The Last Hurrah of the 2008 elections can now be given!
Hurrah!  Hurrah!  Hurrah!

(Disclosure.  Although I do not live in Minnesota,
I made several small donations to Franken,
In total, maybe $200 or so --
But, do not fear -- I asked for no favors from our Senator-elect --
Just as I extracted none from President Obama from my similar donations to
him --
I'm just not into the quid-pro-quo --
Or else I might be an Ambassador by now, huh?!)

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