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Mon Sep 28 13:31:41 CDT 2009

Gore: Bill, you have continuosly misrepresented my voting record to suit
you own purposes.
Bradley: Well Al, before you were vice president, you were a conservative
southern Democrat, and the American People deserve to know that.

Once we run this through the PBD, we can see what these two are really
saying to each other:

Gore: You're dumb.
Bradley: You're dumber.
Gore: Well, you stink.
Bradley: you stink worse.
Gore: you like to smell your own farts
Bradley: DO not!
Gore: Do too!

Now, let's take a look at the Republican Debate:

Bush: I'm the real conservative!
McCain: No, I'm the real conservative!
Bush: I've presided over 121 executions! So there!
McCain: Yeah?  Well let me tell you about this little thing called war,
buddy.  It's kill or be killed.  You just don't stack up unless you pulled
the switch yourself.

Once we run this particular debate through the PBD, we can see how these
two candidates are actually using language to express themselves.

Bush: UH!  UH!  UH!  (thumps on chest) UH!
McCain: UUUUUUUUUUUUUH UH! (pounds on podium)  UH! Uh! UH!!!!!
Bush: UH UH UH UH UH! (Stomps on floor)  Uh!
McCain: UH UH UH! (thumps on chest)
Bush: UH! UH! UH! (throws wad of bovine fecal material)

We can see by this example that presidential debate in this particular
primary season has degenerated from yelling and soap-box climbing to
something entirely more base, although this could be seen in some camps
as an improvement.  In both cases the language of insult is very thinly,
and not particularly cleverly, disguised as the language of political

Final analysis:

All major party candidates blow.
Asking which one is best
is like pulling four or five newly dead fish
from a polluted lake,
letting them sit in a closed metal box for four or five days,
and then asking which one
stinks the least.

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