[Peace-discuss] Fwd: 16 Days. March on Oct. 26

Jay Mittenthal mitten at life.uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 21 11:09:22 CDT 2002

>Date: 20 Oct 2002 20:26:17 -0000
>From: "Eli Pariser, MoveOn PAC" <moveon-help at list.moveon.org>
>To: "Jay Mittenthal" <mitten at life.uiuc.edu>
>Subject:  16 Days. March on Oct. 26
>X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>Dear MoveOn Member,
>It's not over, as they say, until it's over.  When Congress voted last
>week to support President Bush's war on Iraq, the President was hoping
>that Americans would fall in behind him.  Not so: the public is as
>concerned as ever about pre-emptively and unilaterally attacking Iraq.
>As we mentioned in our "Turning the Tide" message, this vote will not
>stand.  It runs counter to the American people and the very core
>ideals of who we are as a nation.
>It's time to get louder.  Beating President Bush in the elections is a
>sure way to send him the message that he's leading the country astray.
>But we also need to take our concern to his doorstep -- to make it
>impossible for him to dismiss our dissent.
>One opportunity to do this is coming up on October 26th, when
>thousands of people will converge on Washington in a massive,
>non-violent march to the White House.  The message is simple: "Stop
>the war on Iraq."  Folks will be coming in from across the country --
>busses are coming from as far as Minnesota and 27 other states.
>There will be a concurrent march in San Francisco.  Here are the
>Rally @ 11 am
>Constitution Gardens adjacent to the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial
>21st St. & Constitution Ave. N.W.
>**March to the White House**
>Rally @ 11 am
>Justin Herman Plaza
>Foot of Market St. at Embarcadero
>**March to Civic Center Plaza**
>For the logistical information you need to know to get to DC:
>For more general information about the march, go to:
>Over the last few days, we've been highlighting reasons to take
>control of Congress from Bush and the right wing.  Our reason for this one 
>is very simple:
>   Reason #16 -- This war is wrong.
>President Bush is leading our nation down a dangerous path, and the
>Republicans in Congress are behind him all the way.  We need to
>demonstrate that pre-emptive war will not make our world safer.
>We hope you can make it.
>--Wes, Eli, Joan, Peter, Carrie, and Doug
>   MoveOn.org
>                   PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG PAC
>This is a message from MoveOn.org PAC.
>To unsubscribe from our election countdown, please visit
>our subscription management page and uncheck the
>"MoveOn PAC List" or "MoveOn PAC for Peace" list.  Go to:

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