[Peace-discuss] Fwd: 15 Days. Fire Senator Smith of Oregon.

Jay Mittenthal mitten at life.uiuc.edu
Mon Oct 21 14:52:47 CDT 2002

>Date: 21 Oct 2002 19:40:24 -0000
>From: "Wes Boyd, MoveOn PAC" <moveon-help at list.moveon.org>
>To: "Jay Mittenthal" <mitten at life.uiuc.edu>
>Subject:  15 Days.  Fire Senator Smith of Oregon.
>X-MailScanner: Found to be clean
>Dear MoveOn member,
>In one week we've raised almost $1.4 million for heroes
>in Congress. Today we add an important challenger to our list
>of heroes, Bill Bradbury.  With your help, Bradbury's race
>in Oregon could become symbolic of Bush's disastrous
>miscalculation -- a real setback for the cynical idea that
>war can be used to win elections.
> >From our work so far, we know one thing: folks are mad as hell.
>They don't like being played for fools.  And no electorate is more
>outraged than the citizens of Oregon.
>Like a lot of his Republican colleagues who are at odds with
>their electorate, Senator Smith of Oregon masquerades as a moderate.
>But when push came to shove over a vote on Iraq, Smith toed
>the party line.  It's time to get tough on politicians who
>sell us out -- quite simply, we need to fire them.  With
>your help, we can do just that.
>Please give what you can to elect Bill Bradbury at:
>  http://www.moveonpac.org/moveonpac/viewcandidates.phtml
>In his opposition to the Iraq resolution, Bradbury stands in
>the great tradition of Oregon's Senator Wayne Morse, one of only
>two votes against the Gulf of Tonkin resolution which launched
>the Vietnam war.  "I am dismayed that, in the rush toward war
>against Iraq, our President and his advisers have failed to
>address vital questions about this enterprise," says Bradbury
>in his October 9th statement opposing the resolution.*
>Bradbury needs our help to get his message out.  When Oregonians
>find out about Senator Smith's consistent opposition to Oregon's
>Death with Dignity law and a woman's right to choose, and his
>support for the President's resolution on Iraq, they're appalled.
>Your money will help Bradbury air the ads that make his case --
>they need $250,000 by Wednesday to make their final ad buy.
>The race is tightening, and it could be our money that sends
>Smith packing:
>  http://www.moveonpac.org/moveonpac/viewcandidates.phtml
>On this web page we continue to highlight heroes in Congress and
>challengers who have taken a stand against the Iraq resolution,
>including Chellie Pingree of Maine who is fighting the good
>fight against another so-called GOP moderate, Senator Collins.
>If lost, these races will put Congress securely in Bush's hands.
>We must act now.  Why?
>   Reason #15 -- There are no moderate Republicans left in Congress.
>Their party pushed them out the door ten years ago, and the
>party leadership enforces strict discipline behind an
>ultra-conservative agenda.  Oregonians won't fall for this again.
>Like George Bush himself, whose policies have been *far* to the
>right of his election positions, these politicians are wolves
>in sheep's clothing.  It's time to give them the pink slip.
>The countdown continues,
>-Wes, Eli, Joan, Peter, Doug and Carrie
>  for MoveOn.org PAC
>  October 21, 2002
>P.S. If you know other folks who would like to get our email
>alerts, have them go to MoveOnPAC.org and click on the
>"signup now" link.
>* You can read Bill Bradbury's impressive statement on Iraq at
>Also, in case you're not taking notes, here's our countdown list
>so far:
>Why must we act?  What can we do?
>20. We cannot let war win elections.
>19. We can't let money in politics win.
>18. Supreme Court Appointments.
>17. Are you more secure today than your were one year ago?
>16. This war is wrong.
>     MARCH ON OCT 26
>15. There are no moderate Republicans left in Congress.
>        Contributions are not tax deductible
>This is a message from MoveOn.org PAC.
>To unsubscribe from our election countdown, please visit
>our subscription management page and uncheck the
>"MoveOn PAC List" or "MoveOn PAC for Peace" list.  Go to:

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