[Peace-discuss] What we're up against.....

Dlind49 at aol.com Dlind49 at aol.com
Thu Dec 18 08:34:52 CST 2003

The problem today with those driving this nightmare is that they are not 
ignorant. They are very smart individuals who are knowledgable and who have chosen 
and planned specific course and will now pursue that course until all 
objectives are met. My own work in Washington "on the hill" along with discussions 
with others who care and who have worked "on the hill" is that there is no 
difference in any American political party- the jerks are in both and are moving 
towards specific goals knowing full well what the ramifications and consquences 
are going to be now and in the future.  Unfortunately our  combined efforts in 
the United Nations, British Parliament, Canadian Parliament, Australian, 
German Bundestag, and European parliament have revealed the sad fact that those 
who should care do not and this nightmare is driven by power hungry individuals 
who see only geo-political-economic gains and disregard the effects on any 
individual or citzens of any nation. 


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