[Peace-discuss] Our troops...

Morton K.Brussel brussel4 at insightbb.com
Mon Dec 22 22:07:50 CST 2003

Hi Carl,

Just a comment about our "common soldier", and Bloomer. This business 
about feeling sorry for our troops rubs me as ill conceived. If one 
only considers them as pawns, without the ability to think or observe, 
caught innocently in a nexus of evil, then perhaps one can excuse their 
actions against the inhabitants of an occupied land. But if they are to 
be considered normal human beings, responsible for what they do, then 
they should be condemned for what crimes they commit. Nuremberg talked 
about this responsibility with regard to the Axis forces in WWII.

This business of trying to placate the general populace and protect our 
behinds to show we are really not against "our boys", by saying that we 
must support the troops irrespective of what they do, to me is 
anathema; that is why I would not, for example, support giving funds to 
the Red Cross for solace to the troops at our recent benefit. If, on 
the other hand, there were troops like those Israelis recently refusing 
to oppress the Palestinians, then yes, they should be supported as 
fully as possible. Also, for those troops who do not support the 
invasion or occupation, but with less courage to resist openly, I have 
some sympathy and would like to help them. Veterans against the war, 
yes, but nothing for those gung-ho others, who've committed war crimes 
without qualms.


I appended in further explanation to Carl:

My objection is not with the Red Cross as a whole, though I've had my 
doubts from time about it, but specifically to their helping the 
troops. How much better if AWARE had said 'Contribute to the Red Cross 
efforts to help various disadvantaged or oppressed peoples, etc. '. 
I.e., my objection was specifically to Red Cross efforts to aid the 
troops whatever the nature of those troops.

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