[Peace-discuss] disappearing signs

John Fettig jfettig at students.uiuc.edu
Tue Feb 4 13:51:07 CST 2003

* Jim Buell <jbuell at uiuc.edu>: 
> Also, I'll be writing the following on the bottom of the new ones (I
> mention this in case anyone wants to copy the idea) - expanding on a
> suggestion made by Jay, as I recall: "PLEASE DON'T STEAL THIS SIGN. It
> is private property and Constitutionally protected speech, and it is a
> tiny part of local, national and global efforts to save millions of
> lives and preserve essential humanitarian ideals. If you have concerns
> or questions, let's talk." And including first name and phone number.
> Sheesh, are we utopians, or what? :-)

I think "Smile, you're on camera" would be more effective :)


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