[Peace-discuss] New tactic?

pfmueth at pop.ameritech.net pfmueth at pop.ameritech.net
Tue Feb 18 22:18:33 CST 2003

	I am on the radio Sundays during the aware meeting, so I 
haven't attended much.
I did come by with the germ of a suggestion, which I hope can be 
discussed at some point.

I think that some very carefully thought out civil disobedience is in 
order. I would propose that leafleting be done inside the malls. It 
has been decided at the Supreme Court level that private property 
trumps free speech, but that just shows how lousy things have gotten. 
I think every mall in america should be challenged to have a little 
Hyde Park/ soapbox area. (many of them have much unleased space, so 
it might be that this might be realizable, though perhaps expecting 
the strategy to spread is a little grandiose.)

What I envision is a small group of 8 to 10 leaflet the open space of 
Marketplace, perhaps just prior to p4p, all but 2 or 3 would cease 
and desist upon request, and then would witness the continued attempt 
by these last stalwarts to argue and distribute flyers. Undoubtedly 
the gendarmerie would be called and citations would be issued.

Suitable press releases highlighting that "Marketplace is not a 
marketplace of ideas", etc Charges would likely to be dropped, until 
repeat offenses could be arranged. Some property rights 
fundamentalists would take issue with the tactic but I think most 
people would think it absurd that one can get busted for handing out 
literature and talking to shoppers.

Reclaim the corporate consumerist spaces.

some guerilla theater would also be in order at some point. .. .

what do others think?

could AWARE bail me out .. .?


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