[Peace-discuss] Re: Kenneth Pollack on PBS Charlie Rose

pfmueth at ameritech.net pfmueth at ameritech.net
Fri Feb 21 23:39:45 CST 2003

Rose asked Pollack about this article, he said it was a bad tactical 
decision,'cause it make our democratizing invasion look like it was 
about control of oil l!!!

Reminds me of Robert Fisk's summary of Powell's presentation invoked 
Beckett's theatre of the absurd


Full U.S. Control Planned for Iraq
American Would Oversee Rebuilding

By Karen DeYoung  and Peter Slevin
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, February 21, 2003; Page A01

The Bush administration plans to take complete, unilateral control of 
a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq, with an interim administration headed by 
a yet-to-be named American civilian who would  direct the 
reconstruction of the country and the creation of a "representative" 
Iraqi government, according to a now-finalized blueprint described by 
U.S. officials and other sources.

Gen. Tommy Franks, the head of the U.S. Central Command, is to 
maintain military control as long as U.S. troops are there. Once 
security was  established and weapons of mass destruction were 
located and disabled, a U.S. administrator would  run the civilian 
government and direct reconstruction and humanitarian aid.

In the early days of military action, U.S. forces following behind 
those in combat would  distribute food and other relief items and 
begin needed reconstruction. The goal, officials said, would be  to 
make sure the Iraqi people "immediately" consider themselves better 
off than they were the day before war, and attribute their improved 
circumstances directly to the United States.

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