[Peace-discuss] conference planning

Randall Cotton recotton at earthlink.net
Sun Jun 1 01:07:49 CDT 2003

> what about mending broken fences between individuals/groups,

I'm not sure a conference or teach-in would be a good way to address
something like that. Folks would attend a conference/teach-in hoping to get
something positive from informative sessions and from direct voluntary
contact with other folks who share their interests. Faced with the possibly
unwelcome prospect of being pressed into resolving conflicts with specific
individuals or groups, I think folks may be repelled from participating. Any
successful conference/teach-in, I think, should offer attractive benefits to
prospective attendees with absolutely no strings attached.

Now, I don't discount the possibility that strained relations, wherever they
may exist, might improve as a natural result of a successful event. But I
think that to make fence-mending a purpose in and of itself would seriously
compromise the success of any conference/teach-in.


>From: "Randall Cotton"
>Subject: [Peace-discuss] conference planning
>Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 14:11:14 -0500
>In response to Robert's message:
>For either of the prospective conferences/tech-ins ("internal" or
>"external"), the first steps in my opinion should be to establish, in the
>following order:
>1. the audience
>2. the purpose
>3. the content (consistent with 1. and 2.)
>It seems to me that if you do that well, additional supporters will jump on
>board to help and as long as we get the word out to the prospective
>audience, they'll show. Ideally, it seems to me particularly important to
>lock down, early on, at least half of the event's content with strong,
>universally attractive sessions and speakers who explicitly commit to do
>My interest would be in an "internal" conference, where the audience is
>local progressive and anti-war groups such as:
>Progressive Resource/Action Cooperative
>Student Peace Action
>Black Radical Congress
>Teachers for Peace and Justice
>CU Progressives
>Physicians for Social Responsibility
>Muslim Student Association
>Independent Media Center
>Greens (of all shades, Prairie, Campus, etc.)
>(Who else?)
>And where the purpose is:
>To provide these groups with:
>1. Informative sessions of strong, broad interest
>2. Rich opportunites to establish greater ties and solidarity among the
>audience groups
>Now, how exactly to accomplish this is still unclear to me (and may
>ultimately prove to stop me in my tracks).
>Ideas for sessions I've had include:
>1. A session where each invited group presents themselves to all others, so
>we get to know each other better.
>2. A session on specific ways some or all of the invited groups can join
>together to share resources?
> a couple "seed" ideas:
> a. Pooling resources to establish something like a "universal flyering
> b. Establishing a universal, low-traffic "umbrella" announcement mailing
>3. An instructive session on how to best get our messages out via the local
>media (PSA's, press releases, etc.)
>4. A session on how to best get your organization on the web and do it on
>the cheap (Prairienet, groogroo, etc.)
>5. An introduction to non-violence training and what options are available
>for full training.
>6. Door-to-door canvassing strategies and experiences
>7. Leafletting strategies and experiences
>8. What should an "external" conference look like?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Robert Dunn
>To: recotton at earthlink.net ; peace at lists.groogroo.com
>Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 12:26 PM
>Subject: Re: [Peace] second draft agenda for 6/1/03 AWARE meeting
>should we start planning for the fall teach-in, internal and external.
>I think it would be better so we can get as many people as posible.
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