[Peace-discuss] Farmers' Market

Linda Evans veganlinda at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 2 08:52:17 CDT 2003

Last night at the meeting we discussed selling
something at the Farmers' Market while we table.  I
just remembered that ISEN (IL Student Environmental
Network) sells t-shirts and bags, etc.  David or Jeff,
call you check into the rules so we know what we can
or can't sell.  It would be nice to be able to put a
price on the CDs.



"I know you are smart and I know that you think you are doing what is best for me.  But if freedom is handled just your way then it's not my freedom or free."  Toni and Slade Morrison from their children's book "The Big Box"
"Well, I think it's much too late and I think things are much too bad for pessimism."  John Robbins 

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