[Peace-discuss] Fwd:Vote in First Presidential Primary (Please Forward!)

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Mon Jun 16 22:41:55 CDT 2003


To register for the "first presidential primary," go to 
http://www.moveon.org/pac/reg/ and join up with MoveOn.org, the largest,  online peace and justice organization. The first primary won't be New  Hampshire this time. The mainstream PoliticsOnline journal described  MoveOn.org's voting as "the most direct and revolutionary primary the US  has experienced. Mainstream media and politics have not caught on to this  news yet [and] might get left out of the entire political process."

So don't get left out of the process! Because MoveOn played a key role in  building the antiwar movement that Dennis Kucinich leads in the US House of  Representatives, you are joining like-minded activists when you get involved  with MoveOn. Dennis was among the top tier in MoveOn's first balloting. The  ongoing "MoveOn Primary" could give top vote-getters a big lift in grassroots  and financial support.

The Kucinich Campaign is inspiring creative endeavors across the country --  online and off. Independent political cartoonist Scott Bateman created brief,  animated "Kucinich Komix"(not an official project of the campaign). They are  easy to download and email to your friends. Enjoy.

Click on http://www.bobharris.com/kucinich.html
Most of you should have no trouble viewing "Kucinich Komix," as long as a flash  player is installed. (These are flash .swf files.)

Spread the word about the Kucinich campaign: http://www.kucinich.us

And spread the word about registering to vote in the MoveOn Primary: http://www.moveon.org/pac/reg/

Make a donation: https://www.kucinich.us/contribute.php

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