[Peace-discuss] stolen from AWARE lit

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 5 14:39:36 CDT 2003

[Folks, I just sent in the following letter to the
editor to the DI, including facts and stats I freely
admit I stole from the new anti-racism pamphlet and
others... and you can do it, too!]

Think twice before you sign up!

Dear Editor:

For the past week (9/2-9/5) the DI has joined the
national media in reporting a little of the
deteriorating situation in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Both
occupied countries are mired in a deadly bog of crime,
starvation and rising terrorist recruitment, where US
troops are increasingly under attack.

More US troops have now been killed in Iraq since the
end of “major combat” than during the war itself. 
This is not counting the estimated 4000-8000 US troops
injured there or those coming home with the latest
versions of ‘Gulf War Syndrome’.

Nevertheless, according to a recent story on Channel 3
News, local military recruitment is up.  Evidently,
there’s a lot that US military recruiters aren’t

For example, most college-aged recruits never see one
red cent of education money, even after making huge
non-refundable payments.  A study by Ohio State
University found that only 12 percent of men and 6
percent of women were able to use their military
training in a civilian job.  

Veterans comprise around one-third of the homeless
population, and those who work earn less on average
than non-veterans.

And close to one-third of all women who join are raped
by US servicemen, according to a study by the
Veterans’ Administration.  Almost all are sexually

Facing such odds, soldiers and their families need to
know that their combat orders are part of a just cause
that will save lives, liberate peoples and make the
world a safer place.  Unfortunately, this isn’t so,
either.  Just read the papers.

Ricky Baldwin
Urbana resident


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