[Peace-discuss] AWARE on candidates

jencart jencart at mycidco.com
Sat Sep 13 07:58:23 CDT 2003


Glad I'm not the only person that thinks pamphlets going out under AWARE's name needs peer review --

As I said last week @ Farmers' Market, I still object to your writing that Dean "initially opposed the war" and then "moderated his stand on the war".  NOT TRUE!  Dean opposed the war from the beginning and NEVER backed off from that position.  His opinion on a peace-keeping presence now, during the aftermath, is a different thing.  You admitted to me that "now that we're there, we can't leave" is what he AND you meant and would be more accurate than "now that we've  started we can't stop"  Using the other quote right after your own insert re war implies that Dean was in favor of continuing the attacks once war started, which you and I agreed was not so.  It's kinda like Bush putting Al Queda and Saddam Hussein together in people's minds, right?  No fair

Thanks for asking for feedback.  Hope you'll act on my suggestions.

Jenifer C.

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